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Platform Overview

Pulz.io Dashboard Overview

Welcome to the Pulz.io Dashboard! This guide will help you navigate and make the most out of the features available on the dashboard.


Accessing the Dashboard: Log in to your Pulz.io account.

Pulz.io main website page showing AI-Driven Lead Magnet for digital interaction.
Screenshots showing the fields to submit email and create a password for Pulz.io.

Navigate to the dashboard to view and manage your Lead Magnets, submissions.

Pulz.io dashboard overview, displaying options for lead magnet generation and templates.

Generating Lead Magnets


A. Generate with AI


Select “Generate with AI”: Click on the “Generate” button.
Provide Business Information: Fill in the details about your business to generate a customized form.

Pulz.io builder mode screen displaying business information input fields to customize lead magnets.

B. Start from Template

Select Industry: Choose your industry from the dropdown menu (e.g., Healthcare).
Select Template: Pick a template that suits your business needs.
Create: Click the “Create” button to generate a Lead Magnet based on the selected template.

Pulz.io interface showing the selection of industry-specific templates for generating lead magnets.

Product Demonstration

Watch Product Demo: Click on the product demonstration video to learn more about how to use Pulz.io effectively.

Pulz.io product demonstration video

Viewing Submissions

Top Navigation Bar: Use the navigation bar at the top to access different sections
Dashboard: Return to the main dashboard view.
Lead Magnets: View and manage your Lead Magnets.
Get Help: Access support, Guidelines and FAQ.

Pulz.io submissions page displaying a list of user submissions for the lead magnet, including submission details.

User Profile

User Information: Your user profile information is displayed in the top right corner. Click on your profile to view and edit your details.

Pulz.io user profile page displaying account information, including name, email, and options to update personal details or manage account settings

Your Pulz.io Success Hub. Get the Support You Need, When You Need It

Navigating AI-driven technology can be complex, but you’re not alone on this journey. Our Success Hub is equipped to guide you through every step, ensuring you maximize the benefits of Pulz.io with ease. Whether you have a question about setting up your AI-driven user journeys, need help optimizing your forms, or just want to learn more about how to make the most of our platform, we’re here to help.